Hands-On Evaluation 2


This evaluation must be completed in class


Before you start this lab you must have:


You will submit a report generated by the script, HostInfo02.sh. This script is part of a tar archive for this evaluation.

Grading Scheme

web01 built and patched1
Bullwinkle's instructions3
Configure ssh for alice and rocky3
Trojan_c analysis3


Today you will built a web server, similar to the one you built for Evaluation 1, but it will be more secure.

Part A: Build and Patch web01

  1. Build on the blue network.
  2. Patch from the YUM repos on yoda.
  3. Make sure that web01 only looks to yoda for YUM repos.
  4. Set static IP addresses
  5. Set static hostname
  6. Add yoda and web01 to /etc/hosts on web01
  7. Install Apache (httpd) on web01
  8. Configure Apache to start automatically
  9. No firewall configuration is required.

Part A and 3/4: Install the HandsOnEval.tar archive

This is a good opportunity to check if web01 is build more or less correctly. We will install the HandsOnEval02.tar archive in root's home directory on web01.

Part B: Instructions from Bullwinkle

  1. Use the default version of GPG to check the validity of the messages from Bullwinkle found in HandsOnEval02.tar
  2. Execute all the valid instructions. Note: Bullwinkle gets user_name and UID confused.

Part C: Install Rocky and Alice's ssh keys

Your team leader, Rocky, likes to be able to log onto ever server without typing a password. Alice will be managing web01 and should be able to log in without a password as well. Furthermore, since Alice is on vacation, Rocky will need to be able to log in as Alice or himself. All the keys you need can be found in the evaluation tar archive.

  1. Create two users: rocky and alice
  2. Using Rocky's public key (rocky.pub) configure ssh so that rocky can log on without typing a password.
  3. Using Rocky's public key (rocky.pub) configure ssh so that rocky can log on as alice without typing a password.
  4. Using Alice's public key (alice.pub) configure ssh so that alice can log on without typing a password.

Part D: trojan_c analysis

  1. Build an IDS to track changes to all executables and the contents of /etc
  2. Run trojan_c
  3. Create a text file, /tmp/answers.txt, describing what trojan_c does.

Consider using nmap and telnet to determine what trojan_c is up to.

Part E: Submitting your work for grading

  1. Run HostInfo02.sh on web01 to produce web01_report.html
  2. Submit web01_report.html to Canvas