import java.util.Locale; //for nanoTime /** * This program demonstrates & times various sorting algorithms. * * @author Dave Slemon * @version v100 */ class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { //main int MAXSIZE = 30000; int A[] = new int[MAXSIZE]; //array to be sorted //populating the array A with random numbers for(int i = 0; i < MAXSIZE; i++) A[i] = getRandom(1000); //start timer long start = System.nanoTime(); //bubbleSort( A ); quickSort(A, 0, A.length-1) ; //end timer long finish = System.nanoTime(); double elapsedTime = (double)( (finish - start) / 1E9 ); printArray(A); System.out.println("\nSort time was: " + elapsedTime + " secs"); } //main /* * This routine prints an array, with 20 numbers * per line */ public static void printArray(int[] A) { //print int count = 1; for(int j=0; j < A.length; j++) { System.out.print ( A[j] + " "); if (count++ % 20 == 0) System.out.println(); } } //print /** * Provides a random int between 0 and max, * not including max * @return 0 <= num < max */ public static int getRandom(int max) { //getRandom return (int)(Math.random() * max); } //getRandom /** * quickSort uses the quick sort algoithm to sort an array of integers * * @author * @version 1.0 March 22, 2021 * * @param A is an array of integers to be sorted * * @return A of integers sorted in ascending order */ public static void quickSort(int[] arr, int start, int end) { //quick int partition = partition(arr, start, end); if(partition-1>start) { quickSort(arr, start, partition - 1); } if(partition+1start) { quickSort(arr, start, partition - 1); } if(partition+1